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LOVE 80 JUDO TAFT Other girls read about the much better prospects overseas in newspapers and magazines, which also published advertisements giving details of free or assisted passages. E X E R C I S E 1: Find words or phrases in the passage which mean the same as: COLUMN A a job in the passage, as a servant b for each year c money paid for work - especially unskilled work plural d move from place to place, or person to person in a particular group; pass round e room at the top of a house in the space immediately below the roof f the finding of new workers g very greatly; seriously h one of the first people to go to a new country to work or settle i chance of success, especially in work [plural j abroad; in a foreign country across the sea k without payment; costing nothing I provided with or given help with raising money for something m journey by ship from one place to another 8 ELS COLUMN B E X E R C I S E 2: Choose the correct answer according to the passage. Those women who went to the colonies as servants A were all recruited through agents back in England B missed their families greatly C played the most important role in attracting others D found themselves being moved from kitchen to kitchen E had the pioneering spirit necessary for starting new lives 2. Getting to the colonies from England for the servants A could cost as little as £4 B was essential if they wanted to escape Huuuge Casino Gamehunters Daily in English attics C was only possible if an agent had recruited them D did not pose any financial problem E required a written invitation from someone already there 3. A person with good qualifications is bound to have brighter than someone without. The local shops are giving away sets of kitchen knives with every purchase over Huuuge Casino Gamehunters Daily The news so quickly round the office that by the end of the day, everyone had heard it. Many of the had no information as to what difficulties they would face once they arrived in their new land. She wanted a bicycle, and begged her parents day and night for one. By means of several devices, we now know how to bring back lost memories. One method is "free association", used by psychiatrists. If a patient lets his conscious mind wander at will, it can give him clues to forgotten things which, if skilfully pursued by the doctor, will bring up whole networks of lost ideas and forgotten terrors. Huuuge Casino Gamehunters Daily are certain drugs which also help in this process; hypnotism, too, can be of tremendous value in exploring a patient's unconscious. E X E R C I S E 1: Find words or phrases in the passage which mean the same as: COLUMN A a for all time b method for doing something, or for getting an intended result c allow your thoughts to go from subject to subject; stop concentrating d whenever, however, and as much as you want to e something which suggests the answer to, or gives information about a problem f try to find out more through questioning g large number of things that are connected to each other h something which causes very great fear i 10 very great; very important ELS COLUMN B E X E R C I S E 2: Choose the correct answer according to the passage. According to the passage, it is possible A to use drugs to cure patients of their past terrors B to bring our lost memories to the surface through several methods C that psychological problems develop through the inability to forget certain things D that hypnotism can cause a patient to forget past terrors E for most people to choose to forget about their past experiences 2. In the method of "free association" A unpleasant memories are pushed into the unconscious mind B the use of hypnotism is essential C certain drugs are more effective than hypnotism D all one's millions of past experiences are easily recalled E the patient's co-operation is needed 3. We can conclude from the passage that A most psychological disorders are caused by the inability to forget certain things B only a skilful doctor can open up one's unconscious mind C our unconscious mind only contains the things we don't want to remember D many of one's past experiences are stored in one's unconscious mind E a patient can't be made aware of his forgotten experiences without drugs or hypnotism E X E R C I S E 3: Complete the sentences by selecting words from Column B in EXERCISE 1. I've decided not to the matter just now, but don't think I've forgotten about it. All of you have put effort into the campaign, so it's thanks to you that everything is going so well. The chairman has given us no as to what he's going to say at the meeting, so we'll just have to wait and see. The language teacher has a number of which she can employ in order to get her students to speak. The lecture was so boring that on several occasions I realized that my attention had started to ELS 11 PALM TREES Of the world's 2,plus species of palm trees, the Palmyra palm is most important to man, next to the coconut palm, because it yields food and provides over one hundred different useful end-products. To obtain the majority Huuuge Casino Gamehunters Daily its benefits, the Palmyra needs to be climbed twice daily to extract the nutritious juice from its flower-bunches. It is this juice, converted by several different methods, that is the basis for a wide variety of other products. Collecting this juice, however, is arduous - and often dangerous - work, for the trees can top 30 metres in height. E X E R C I S E 1: Find words or phrases in the passage which mean the same as: COLUMN A a more than b produce naturally c final result after treatment or processing d get e more than half of the total; most f something good or useful g get something from or out of something else h having high value as food, e. When the Palmyra is climbed twice a day A it is possible to get most of its benefits B strict safety measures are taken C the best coconuts can be picked D it encourages the tree to grow to over thirty metres E the flowers are collected for processing 2. According to the passage A each palm tree can produce over coconuts B the juice from coconuts is very nutritious C there are at least two and a half thousand types of palm tree D there are several different ways of collecting Palmyra flower juice E many people rely on palm trees for their basic food Huuuge Casino Gamehunters Daily 3.
ELS Reading
Yeni Güncellenen Oyun ve Yazılımlar Yakın zamanda önemli güncellemeler yayınlayan oyunlara ve yazılımlara göz atın. Crawl Tactics. $ Crawl. Once it use to be the "Most beautiful " Waterfall in the World - according to "The World Geography". In June everything changes - a big part of the. Yeni Güncellenen Oyun ve YazılımlarThe Chinese and Western New Years A share certain similarities B are both celebrated in January C have absolutely nothing in common D both last for about a month E are both based on the lunar calendar 3. The miner was so pleased with his pants that he told other miners about the wonderful new Levi's pants or Levis, and soon Levi Strauss had to open a shop to manufacture enough trousers for the miners. They also ignore the fact that, before modern technology, the full flower of art and human intellect was reserved for the few. The writer advises those with allergic reactions to A stop using soap B take anti-allergenic drugs C change their brand of cosmetics D avoid all cosmetics E complain to the manufacturer 2. We can't award the contract for building the new factory to anyone until all the have come in. Bütün İncelemeler:.
Son Güncellenenler
Crawl Tactics. Once it use to be the "Most beautiful " Waterfall in the World - according to "The World Geography". During his time on the team, woxic played just 24 maps, with his last one dating to December 16th, when Cloud9 lost to FORZE in MIDNITE Nine to. Yakın zamanda önemli güncellemeler yayınlayan oyunlara ve yazılımlara göz atın. In June everything changes - a big part of the. $ Crawl. Sangal announced that they have parted ways with Anil "FURIOUSS" Bozdogan and brought on Ömer "imoRR" Karataş in his place.E X E R C I S E 1: Find words or phrases in the passage which mean the same as: COLUMN A a person who organizes and manages a business enterprise b happy; satisfied c income d looking for; trying to get phrase e wish; strong feeling of want f future; fate g cleverness; skill; ability to think of new ideas h self-motivation phrase i obvious; distinct; easy to understand j holding your attention; seeming attractive k lively; enthusiastic I of children bring up; raise m never done or known before n chaos; state of no control 66 ELS COLUMN B E X E R C I S E 2: Choose the correct answer according to the passage. Debate over such issues has spawned I many volumes, as scholars look to the future with varying degrees of optimism and 1 gloom. There is only one method of proceeding under such circumstances: to turn on one's back at once, kick the leg out in the air, disregarding the pain, and rub the spot smartly with one hand, while the other is employed in paddling towards shore. The Chinese and Western New Years A share certain similarities B are both celebrated in January C have absolutely nothing in common D both last for about a month E are both based on the lunar calendar 3. Geliştirici ürün hakkında ne diyor:. What are the long-term effects of pollution 1 on health, climate, and farm production? The film "The Elephant Man" was a true story based on a man who suffered most of his life because of his physical A lot more money needs to be spent before the rail can be considered truly efficient. Wilson quotes an old Ethiopian proverb, "When spider webs unite, they can halt a lion. Apart from any moral considerations, this is a stupid method of training, for it produces a resentful animal who at a later stage may well turn into a man-killer. Bu oyun için satın alınabilir öğeler. Our parents would like us to how they are, but we don't always agree because we'd rather look and act differently from them. There is then a procession to the cremation ground, some men carrying the corpse in a tower built of bamboo and paper, and other men carrying a special container called a sarcophagus, which may be in the shape of a cow or a bull. E X E R C I S E 1: Find words or phrases in the passage which mean the same as: COLUMN A a imagine; believe; understand b move downwards below the surface of the water c happening immediately; at once d the ability to act quickly and sensibly in a difficult situation phrase e place; position f of muscles swelling out from the surface of the skin - bulging, tense and hard g carry on; continue h ignore i move one's hand or hands backwards and forwards oyer something j of movements and action sharply and quickly; with vigour k move slowly through the water moving your hands up and down I take away something from someone, leaving him in need of it m the ability to think n have such a strong effect on as to make helpless or ineffective o mixed p try to seize or grasp phrase q naturally; without thinking 40 ELS COLUMN B E X E R C I S E 2: Choose the correct answer according to the passage. Hurting another human being can never be under any circumstances. Tarih Aralığı. The writer suggests that A B C D E people should find a way to increase the amount of their reading in the limited time they are left whatever the person's job is, he has to read to keep pace with the speed of our age the time spent on social functions and recreation can be reduced in order to spare more time for reading people should learn to make a good selection of what to read in the little time they have more time for reading can only be achieved with a well-organized daily routine, without hurrying to do everyting E X E R C I S E 3: Complete the sentences by selecting words from Column B in EXERCISE 1. In the method of "free association" A unpleasant memories are pushed into the unconscious mind B the use of hypnotism is essential C certain drugs are more effective than hypnotism D all one's millions of past experiences are easily recalled E the patient's co-operation is needed 3. Hence, in many popular magazines and women's journals, we find a column such as "You and Your Stars". She has some very ideas which both confuse and amuse me. I found the lecture absolutely despite my previous reservations about the speaker. Can technology I supplement or replace today's resources? There are some parallels with the Western New Year: houses are cleaned thoroughly, for instance, and families all get together for the festivities. Tüm ticari markalar, ABD ve diğer ülkelerde ilgili sahiplerinin mülkiyetindedir. I hate market days because it is so difficult to walk round all the in the street. Old people and very young children are often more to infection than other age groups. A mediocre joke is likely to get as big a rise out of him as a I truly humorous one. For Balinese people, funerals are not sad occasions because A for them, death means the end of a sorrowful life on earth B all the members of a family come together on the morning of the funeral C they believe that the dead continue to live in another life D they think funerals enable them to show their respect for the dead E the existence of a person, according to their beliefs, should be celebrated 3. Charles Chaplin began to gain in popularity as a comedian A as soon as he arrived in America B only when he created his own individual style, based on many borrowed ideas C when he copied other comedians already famous at that time D after he had directed a few silent movies E only after he began to use a bowler hat and a walking stick 2. This computer program will have to be 5. Others saw it only in black and white. We can infer from the passage that the accessories Chaplin used A originated from the appearance of a taxi driver in London B had to be stolen from other comedians because of his lack of money C were each given certain functions in his performances D were borrowed from several places which helped actors at that time E made him the king of silent movies of his time E X E R C I S E 3: Complete the sentences by selecting words from Column B in EXERCISE 1. On the morning of the cremation, friends and relatives gather to pay their last respects and to eat and drink § with the family. Older girls particularly are discouraged from playing boisterous games and may be labelled "torn-boys" if they do not conform to the quieter, gentler, less aggressive activities expected of them. After travelling extensively throughout the world, she finally in a small village near the sea.