To browse Academia. Traditional settlement areas that contribute to the identity value of cities with their historical and cultural characteristics from the past to the present, despite the technological innovations brought by the modern world; it has become a topic that has come to the fore again with Clay Poker Chip Sets Ebay interest of mankind in the past and the traditional. Contrary to the modern and crowded appearance of the city; it is a field of attraction that nourishes the deep-rooted values, identity and sense of belonging of today's people with the calmness of traditional textures and the symbol elements that remind the past. In addition to these rich spiritual representation values, the responsibility of transferring the balance of conservation and survival of tangible cultural heritage values at the scale of texture, street and building to future Clay Poker Chip Sets Ebay is also an important return. Traditional residential areas, which have overtaken modern elements in some city centers, have also begun to be considered as a new alternative tourism area and have brought brand value to cities. Conservation of traditional textures with their qualities in this sense and bringing them to future generations as a surplus value by keeping them alive through tourism are on the agenda as an important issue. Conserving the traditional textures, which are the cultural heritage sites of the city, and keeping them alive through tourism; respect for the common values of the society, commitment to identity and belonging, makes it possible to keep the past cultures alive with heritage values. To be able to deal with the cultural environments of these areas with tourism value in a balanced and sensitive manner without disturbing them; it will contribute to sustainable development by supporting both these settlements and the cities they are connected to socially, culturally, historically and economically. In this context, the aim of the study is to draw attention to the effects of conserving the original elements of traditional settlements and keeping them alive through tourism. Scope of work; Harput traditional settlement area, which has reached today with its spatial qualities, streets and traditional architectural structures, has been discussed in the context of the relationship between conservation and tourism. In this sense, as a method, both regarding the concepts of conservation and tourism; in addition, the literature on Harput was examined and the data obtained from field studies were evaluated together. It is thought that with the suggestions listed at the end of the study, together with today's alternative and creative tourism approaches, it will contribute to the conservation and sustainable development of all traditional settlements in Turkey and in the world, especially in Harput. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up.
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