To browse Academia. The region of Antioch by Pisidia is especially renowned for the presence of the sanctuary of one of the most important Anatolian deities worshiped in the Graeco- Roman age, Mên Askaenos. Even though the cult of this god is attested since Hellenistic times, all the inscriptions carved on the walls of his temple and those discovered at the surrounding complex seem to date to the imperial period when a colony of Roman soldiers had been established nearby. This paper studies the chronology of these inscriptions and explores, accordingly, the interaction between the diverse population of the area and the native cult of Mên Askaenos in the light of the available epigraphic evidence. This last element is connected with the presence of an important association in the region called Ξένοι Τεκμορεῖοι V. The last section VI explores some possible reasons for the attestation and revival of practices mainly at the end of the high imperial period, which appear to emanate from the vivid indigenous substratum of central and southern Asia Minor. Kolb, M. Vitale eds. Organisation, Kommunikation und Repräsentation, Berlin — Boston, Cults for the Roman emperors in Greece were widespread. Their focus was the living emperor, yet they soon came to be addressed to the whole of the Sebastoi, a cultic 'ensemble' including also the past emperors and the other living or dead members of the imperial family. In the present paper I shall discuss the main evidence on priests, festivals and sanctuaries for the emperors from the cities of mainland Greece province of Achaia. The evidence shows that the emperors were often worshipped in combination with traditional gods. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Il tempio di Augusto e Roma ad Ankara, eds. Botteri, V. Veronesi and S. Ravalico, Trieste: EUTwith bibliography at the end of the volume. Ufuk Serin. Xenis edLiterature, Scholarship, Philosophy, and History. Worshipping Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino Pitchfork emperor s : a new temple of the imperial cult at Eretria and the ancient destruction of its statues Stephan G Schmid. Nefeli Pirée Iliou. Between tradition and innovation: cults for Roman emperors in the province of Achaia Francesco Camia.
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