To browse Academia. Port and maritime activities are developing worldwide. Globalisation is making the logistics supply network more complex by emphasising the important role of distribution and transport in enhancing the market value of products. Efficient logistics activities are essential for the proper functioning of ports on the West African shore. As a hub of international trade for the WAEMU hinterland countries Burkina-Faso, Mali, and Nigerthe port of Cotonou, in a highly competitive international trade development environment, feels the need to make itself more competitive to acquire new market shares. The objective of this research paper is to determine the logistical assets that predispose the port of Cotonou to serve the international hinterland. For this paper, documentary research, direct observation and field surveys are the techniques used to collect the data. The questionnaire addressed to economic perators and concessionary port operators. Thus, two hundred and ninety-five socio-professional actors of the port and maritime domain were surveyed. The results obtained Poker Room Salem Nh that the quality of services offered by the port of Cotonou is judged good by most of the economic actors questioned consignees Consequently, an examination is made as far as port sector is concerned, with an ever more demanding enhancement in operational efficiency. Moreover, a past research on West and Central Africa Ports, as well as an overview on port logistics was made, making it possible to determine what has been done prospects and what is still to be done ineffectivenessin prospective of a more reformed and efficient port. Applying the method of strategic development, this paper thus deals with exploring typical problems and quandaries of West and Central Africa ports. The findings suggested how to fight back or overcome the constrictions and strangulations; enabling West and Central Africa port logistics attain their desired strategic development aims, despite the ineffectiveness. Tremendous efforts were made, giving a vital shoot on African economy and development; even though there is still a lot to do, for the data and variables showed how the port logistics augment and descend frequently without a long period of stability. Morocco, member of many international transverse agreements, is confronted with an increasingly hard international competition, which proves to be a real challenge with a future for the penetration of the overseas markets. Thus, the development of many infrastructures of the Kingdom is revealing dynamism of the sector: it is the case of the harbor complex Tangier Med. This site makes it possible to support the economic development of the Poker Room Salem Nh but also to reduce the costs in logistics of the companies. The purpose of this article is to contribute to improving logistics performance of Tangier Med port in view of making it more competitive at the international level. To do this, the article proposes a literature review related to the management of container terminals and a measure of performance test using certain criteria of container terminal management model for Tangier Med port and competitiveness relative to its competitors. International Academic Journal of Business Management, The problems of the logistic performance of the ports require an increasingly important interest on behalf of the researchers, became a major concern for the countries conscious of the importance the harbor places role in the growth of their economy, in particular, with the image of the current general context marked by the world economic recession, the aggressive competition and the evaluation of complexifications of activity. Morocco did not remain with the gap face at the accelerated rhythm of the maritime transport on a world level. Within this framework, he agreed during the three last decades of the considerable efforts in the development, the adaptation and the modernization of his harbor infrastructures, like at the legislative level by the installation of the institutional reforms. However, Morocco is confronted with a number of total constraints, which slow down the development of its logistic activities; On the one hand, with export, the costs and times of the passage of the strait are serious handicaps what discourages the Moroccan exporters. In addition, the complexity of the process of importation or taking out of bond weighs down the procedures along the chain. Another aspect to be announced relates to the heaviness of documentary flow what delays Poker Room Salem Nh export of the good of the port and generates a lengthening of the deadlines and an increase in the costs. With this is added an institutional vacuum what penalizes the development of effective and efficient supply chains. In front of this situation, the public authorities were harnessed to improve competitiveness of the harbor sector through several measurement shaving for objective to improve quality and the effectiveness of the offered services. Within this framework this communication aims to analyze and evaluate the current level of the performance of the container terminals of the Tangier Med port, in order to detect the faults which slow down its development in term of optimization of the logistic costs of the containers forwarding by the port, in the objective to propose a plan of recommendations and the adapted tracks of reinforcement. Thus, the problems of research can be posed through the following key question: The optimization of the logistic costs of the containers forwarding by the Tangier Med port: Which prospects to support the role of its harbor installations in world maritime logistics? The diverse physical and non-physical factors having effect on the transit service are discussed. An overview of the import trade with respect to volume, Poker Room Salem Nh and growth patterns is made. Explanations of import trade logistics and an analysis of the turn-round of multipurpose general cargo ships in Djibouti Port are included. Different sets of data related to transit import trade, container inland haulage and cargo lifting from the port are processed and assessed to identify performance levels of the transit service. The import trade transit service is examined from the perspective of key logistics concepts and elements such as total logistics cost, in-transit inventory cost, inland transport, cargo handling, value-added activity, customer service and lead-time.
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